Space Odyssey
“Space Odyssey” is a visionary fashion editorial that merges surrealism with cosmic wonder. Set against a dreamy, otherworldly backdrop, the images explore the beauty of fashion as it transcends earthly boundaries. Modelled by striking figures adorned in avant-garde creations, each frame evokes a sense of being transported to another galaxy, where elements of nature and futuristic design coalesce. A mystical infusion that enhances the feeling of being in a space between reality and fantasy. Through intricate styling and a sense of motion captured in stills, “Space Odyssey” invites viewers to journey into an imaginative realm where fashion knows no limit.
Coat: Sandro Paris
Belt: Kenzo
Boots: Azalea Wang
Skirt: Bottega Veneta
Coat: Sandro Paris
Belt: Kenzo
Boots: Azalea Wang
Skirt: Bottega Veneta
Dress: Miista
Necklace: CHANEL
Necklace: CHANEL
Boots: Azalea Wang
Belts: Kenzo
Boots: Public Desire
Coulotte: Intimissimi
Top: Babayka. Z
Jewels: MAM
Belts: Kenzo
Boots: Public Desire
Coulotte: Intimissimi
Top: Babayka. Z
Jewels: MAM
Belts: Kenzo
Boots: Public Desire
Coulotte: Intimissimi
Top: Babayka. Z
Jewels: MAM
Dress: Esa Exclusive Shop
Boots: Public Desire
Jewels: MAM
Dress: Esa Exclusive Shop
Boots: Public Desire
Jewels: MAM
Jumpsuit: Esa Exclusive Shop
Dress: Esa Exclusive Shop
Boots: Public Desire
Cap: custom Azzura Picardi
Dress: Esa Exclusive Shop
Boots: Public Desire
Cap: custom Azzura Picardi
Dress: Esa Exclusive Shop
Boots: Public Desire
Cap: custom Azzura Picardi
Photographer: Azzurra Piccardi
Models: Ling & Naya @26 Models Milano
Styling: Ylianna Danko
Makeup artist: Valentina Pagni
Hair: Samanta Colletta
Set Designer: Serena Brignili
Photo assistants: Carola Gargani & Giovanni Romanelli
Stylist assistant: Ivan Macari